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Date: 5/5/2024
Subject: EVOTER - May 2024 Updates!
From: LWV of Williamsburg Area

LWV-WA Home Page


Newsletter of the League of Women Voters of Williamsburg Area (Virginia)
May 05, 2024 - Vol. 5, No. 10

Presdients desk restoration of rights
Why is the League concerned about felons? William and Mary Law School recently held a Rights Restoration Summit in March 2024. According to the article written by Lucas Della Ventura, in twenty-three states, citizens lose their voting rights "only while incarcerated." Once out of jail, rights are automatically returned. Only in three states, Virginia, Tennessee and Mississippi, do the state Constitutions permanently disenfranchise citizens. It is possible that a citizen can get his/her rights back if the person petitions the Governor and the Governor grants the petition. There are few 'rules' for how the process works.
This practice disproportionately impacts persons of color with 12% of Black Virginians not being able to vote. The process is a remnant of the Jim Crow South that could have been fixed with the 1971 Virginia Constitution, but there were other issues that were addressed instead, leaving disenfranchisement festering.

However, there are several solutions being worked on. The Virginia system is being challenged in the courts for its overbroad use and lack of transparency. There's also a proposed legislative fix with a state Constitutional amendment. This Constitutional change would automatically reinstate voting rights once punishment is completed. The Constitutional route takes two consecutive votes by the General Assembly in two different terms, plus a state referendum. It's going to be a long, but worthwhile, project.

Next Board Meeting. All Welcome!
  • Wed. June 5 | 6 PM  | Schell Memorial Meeting Room - Williamsburg Library (Scotland St)
Members Annual Meeting
  • June 13 (Thursday) | 4 PM | Legacy Hall | Business Meeting + Panel Presentation + Refreshments!
    This is our local League's annual meeting where members elect candidates to our Board of Directors, approve the upcoming budget, vote on bylaw changes, and review local League positions and programs. We need a quorum to conduct business. Your attendance matters!

Call to action 540x540px

Let's Get Funding back into the Virginia Budget 

Before May 10th, click the links below to contact your Delegate and Senator. Ask them to:

When contacting your legislator with these links, remember that you are speaking as a private citizen, not as a League member.

Zoom on General Assembly Recap
May 7 (Tuesday) | 10 AM | ZOOM
We need a good turnout! So, join us on ZOOM when Delegate Shelly Simonds (70th District/Newport News) will discuss the challenges and accomplishments of the 2024 General Assembly Session.
Click the button to

Or click:
Meeting ID: 891 3240 2759
Passcode: 307686
About Delegate Simonds
Shelly Simonds represents District 70, which includes part of the city of Newport News in the Virginia House of Delegates. She is a former teacher, who started her time in elected office as a member of the Newport News School Board and as the Chair of Board for the New Horizons Regional Education Centers. In the House, she co-founded the Career and Technical Education Caucus, a bi-partisan effort to connect students to careers. She currently serves as the Vice Chair of the House Education Committee and the Chair of the K-12 subcommittee. She is also a member of the Aerospace Advisory Board, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, and the Finance Committee.
Del. Simonds attended Bucknell University for her undergraduate degree and Stanford University for her master’s degree. Also of note, she studied economic development at the University of Chile, spent a year in Spain as an exchange student, and speaks fluent Spanish. She lives with her husband, a NASA engineer, in the Northern part of Newport News and has two daughters attending university.

JUNE 8 - National Civics Bee Virginia State Finals
Save The Date

Virginia’s state level competition of the Civics Bee will be held in Colonial Williamsburg on Saturday, June 8. League members are encouraged to attend and cheer on the students. Time and location information will be available at

More about the National Civics Bee
The 2024 National Civics Bee is “aimed at encouraging more young Americans to engage in civics and contribute to their communities.” The competition, open to middle school students in grades 6-8, is sponsored by The Civic Trust, founded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

The Greater Williamsburg Chamber of Commerce partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to bring the National Civics Bee Local Competition to Virginia. Local students who made it through the essay portion and early rounds of competition participated in a live quiz on April 23 at Jamestown Settlement.

Annual members meeting 2024
June 13 (Thursday) | 4 PM | Legacy Hall | Business Meeting + Panel Presentation + Refreshments!
This is our local League's annual meeting where members elect candidates to our Board of Directors, approve the upcoming budget, vote on bylaw changes, and review local League positions and programs. We need a quorum to conduct business. Your attendance matters!
The short business meeting is followed by presentations from our guest panel:
Diana Moorman, the James City County Director of Elections and General Registrar; Brantley Bissette from Hampton Roads Sanitation District will talk about the Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT) Research Center; and Chad Stewart from the Virginia Education Association with a focus on state budget and K-12 research.

The 56th Biennial League of Women Voters National Convention is in Washington, DC, and online, June 27-30.
Although our Williamsburg delegate spots are taken, you can register to attend in person or on Zoom as an observer.
Great speakers at this inspirational convention! Recharge your League battery!

Read with us
July 25 (Thursday) | 4:30 PM | Member's Home
Discuss with us the:
Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash From 1600 to the Present by Fareed Zakaria
Check out the NY Times book review Here 
Contact Us for directions and details.
Note: This title is about 383 pages and WRL library owns 2 copies.

New & Renewing Members
Thank you renewing members! And a Special Welcome to new members! Names with asterisks gave an extra amount above basic dues!
Abby & Lee Anderson, Barbara Anderson, Georgianna Avioli, Ann & Winston Bateman, **Susan Bivins & James Akridge, Pat & Mark Bowyer, Susan & Michael Carron, Tracey Charity-Ray, Clare Conner, **Bobbie & Alan Falquet, Corinne Garland, Suzan Griffin, Helen Hansen, Sue Langston-Ames, John McGlennon, **Mary Moore & Family, Scott Orr, Lisa Ownby, Jane Randall, **Rita Sams, Abra Smith, Bob & Cindy Stoothoff, Susan Strock, Angela Taormina, James Tobin & Jean Balutanski, Toni Webb, Pamela Young, Sheila Zubkoff.

VSBA award
(L to R): Maryann Simpson (LWV-WA Voter Services), Laura Tripp (LWV-WA VP), Courtney Hoffpauir (WJCC Schools Community & Engagement Specialist), Susan Bivins (LWV-WA President), Lee Ann Chisenhall (WJCC Schools Social Studies Coordinator)
The League of Women Voters of the Williamsburg Area has been recognized by the Virginia School Board Association for our support of WJCC public schools and students.

We work with the Social Studies Coordinator for WJCC Schools, Lee Ann Chisenhall, to schedule in-person Voter Registration events several times a year at the three public high schools. We thank Ms. Chisenhall, a former AP Government teacher at New Kent High School, for very kindly nominating us for this award.

To provide students a reminder and a means to register to vote, League members developed a poster with the Virginia Department of Elections QR Code and information and dates for the 2023 State and Local Elections and the 2024 Federal Primaries and General Election. We provided Ms. Chisenhall enough copies to display in all junior and senior level Social Studies classrooms at the three high schools. Students could register throughout the year as they became eligible (18 years of age by Nov 5).

Even though today’s tech savvy students seem more likely to register online using the QR Code, especially if they didn’t have access to their SSN, we think it’s important that League members continue to conduct in-person registration.

During the last week of April, we held our final in-person events for this school year. We were gratified when students we had registered previously stopped by to say hello and update us on their post-graduation plans. Others let us know they’d already registered online using the poster in their classroom. Students, teachers and staff members thanked us for being there. We assured them we’ll “see them in September.”
Get #VoteReady

Poster contest
2024 Poster Contest
The League of Women Voters of Virginia invites all Middle and High School students in Virginia to create a poster about voting. Submission deadline is June 30.
Prizes for Both Middle School and HS Winners

First Place: $750. Second Place: $350. Third Place: $250. The League will contact the winners by  September 1, 2024.

Reclaim Our Vote
If are writing Reclaim Our Vote non-partisan postcards to Virginia and Georgia, remember to pop them in the mail on these dates:
  • Georgia Congressional Primary: Mail postcards to Georgia between April 22 and May 9
  • Virginia Congressional Primary: Mail postcards to Virginia between April 26 and June 10

Important Voting Information
Our busy Voter Services team reminds us that:
May 3rd. marks the beginning of early voting for the 2024 federal elections. There are two primaries being held on June 18th this year. There is a Democratic primary for Congressional district 1, with two candidates. There is also a Republican primary for the United States Senate seat for Virginia. There are five candidates in that primary. The Democratic party is not holding a Senate primary (incumbent Tim Kaine). The Republican party is holding a convention on May 3rd. to select its CD1 candidate (incumbent Rob Wittman)...

Voter services continues to visit our local high schools, senior communities, and Farmers Market through May 28th. We have also held registration tables at community events like ‘Birth in Color” held May 6th in Newport News in support of our DEI committee. Facts for Voters 2024 is in our libraries and participating local businesses. We are also planning voter tables for the local Juneteenth celebration on Saturday, June 15th at Freedom Park.

Help at the Polls
This new year, 2024, is a presidential election year and will be super busy for voter services! Help us out! It’s necessary and fun. We need you!

Nat Park Service Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee collaborated with our Voter Services team and the YJCW NAACP to host a voter registration table at the Community Baby Shower given by Birth in Color on April 6 in Newport News, in celebration of Black Maternal Health Week (April 11-17). We were able to explain the restoration of civil rights to a formerly incarcerated attendee. We demonstrated to a Norfolk resident how to register to vote using the QR code.
We shared information on how members of the military can vote when not residing in their home state/area.
And let's honor and celebrate our Asian American brothers and sisters! May is Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Check It Out!.
[Image credit: Courtesy of National Park Service.]

Observer Corps

WJCC School Board
JCC Electoral Board

Did you know that LWVUS holds regular policy, advocacy, and litigation briefings for League members? Watch them live or view the recordings later. You can view the recordings and slides from past webinars.

We have a social media campaign to present vital information about voting and upcoming Virginia elections. Check us out on:

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
League of Women Voters of Williamsburg Area
P O Box 1086
Williamsburg, VA 23187-1086
501(c)(4) organization
Follow Us

Williamsburg, James City & York Counties
[LWV-WA is a 501(c)(4) org.]