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HomeCommittee Advocacy

Committee: Advocacy

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Advocacy Mission

Based on local, state, and National League positions,
  • Undertake targeted advocacy campaigns including responding to local, state, or LWVUS Action Alerts

Advocacy Actions

  • Emails and calls. Ask League members and the public to contact elected officials through letter/email/phone calls or through a media outlet, etc. on issues the League represents or advocates for
  • Stay informed. Help League members and the public keep up with League issues and priorities
  • Advocacy visits with Members of US Congress. State and local League presidents are encouraged to make appointments to introduce themselves to members of Congress in order to establish a dialogue on issues of importance. See LWVUS on  Congressional Interview Guide and Materials
  • Advocacy visits with Virginia Legislators: Committee should log any visits with legislators with your Local League president and LWV-VA president. Leagues are encouraged to make appointments to meet with their legislators to discuss League priority issue.
  • Women's Legislative Roundtables (WLRT)
    • During the Virginia General Assembly session (January-February-March), the League of Women Voters of Virginia provides a nonpartisan forum open to the public each Wednesday morning to discuss and share information on issues and legislation. The League invites Legislators to discuss bills they are sponsoring and answer questions. Leaders of nonprofit groups share their priority issues. League lobbyists and Issue Group Leaders give updates on our priority issues.

Advocacy Tools, Resources, and Training

When Can We Act

  1. Leagues only act on an issue when we have a local, state, or national position or are acting under League principles.
  2. Leagues never lobby in opposition to a League position.
  3. Leagues may use any local, state, or national position to lobby at the local governmental level only without asking for authorization from state or national
  4. Leagues need permission from LWV Virginia before taking action at the state level and from LWVUS before taking action at the national level

Observer Team

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Serving Williamsburg, James City County, York County

LWV of Williamsburg Area

P O Box 1086

Williamsburg, VA 23187-1086
[501(c)(4) organization]